Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nazi Pop Twins

Searching for music you often come across the same few popular bands, One being Prussian Blue. With images of two white girls with bright blue eyes used as an icon for most of their songs (at least on YouTube). Upon first glance it seems as if it is just an image to portray the idea that there is a need to secure a future for white women and children, though this image is actually of the members of the band Prussian Blue. Two, twin girls Lynx and Lamb Gaede, age 14 at the time of the original film, now 19. The name Prussian Blue refers to the chemical residue that Holocaust deniers use as proof that gas chambers were never used for killing. This film was intended to follow the lives of these two girls as white nationalist pop singers, yet greater issues and a second purpose for the film developed, though I will not discuss at this time. One important point from a onlooker in the film states that these girls are innocent faces, behind a hideous ideology. This is a very smart move for the white power movement to use these girls to include young listeners or even for others that are not into the hardcore, angry music that you typically hear. It is no coincidence that their mother is a prominent member of the white power movement, with her own radio show on Stormfront. Agenda? I would think so, but of course she has well thought out oppositions for such claims. Though there is a good amount of information about white power music there is not a ton about the personal lives of artists and the position of children within this sphere. As the film goes on it is more and more salient that the views presented in the girls music, according to the film maker, is used as a mouthpiece for the mothers own extreme views." In particular, as the girls start experiencing problems the mother moves them from California to Montana to "give them a normal life." Though their mother April was still able to be as prominent as she ever was in the movement. Daniels states, "When it comes to political mobilization, the Internet undisputedly amplifies many messages, values, and ideas. People interested in the same ideas can easily connect using the Internet, and, as such, the Internet amplifies those connections and strengthens networks of like-minded people. The neologism cyberactivism refers to the proliferation of social movement organizations that avail themselves of Internet technologies to further their goals, which often include promoting a more inclusive, democratic society." In the film it mentions that they move to small town that is almost exclusively white and that April's activism had halted since the move, yet she was still doing her radio show for Stormfront. The effects of the Internet on movements such as this one seems as if it is not fully known or clear to those that are somewhat ignorant of the movement. To me, it seemed completely contradictory to say that and then right after show her doing her show, because it is definitely still a form of activism. Though Daniels does claim, "for activists in extremist white supremacist organization, like other in obscure subcultures, the Internet provides a relatively inexpensive venue for widespread communication of their ideas unimpeded by monitors or wardens. Whether or not this wider availability of white supremacy online politically mobilizes the movement remains to be seen." Perhaps because the effects on mobilization of the movement are not known yet people do not see cyberactivism as true activism (or maybe just in this case). Although there are many, many aspects of this film that could be discussed, including white guilt, the use of the term white separatist vs. white nationalism, etc., this is an important point because white nationalists are often seen as not being effective and are written off, yet this example shows the pervasiveness and real threat that stems from cyberactivism. You can find out what happens with the girls and their mother by watching the film for yourself, which I recommend.

To see the entire versions of both parts of the film click on the option on the top of each video

Wonder what happened to the girls?

Somewhat unrelated, according to Seattles The Stranger April has a new job, you will never guess what it could be.


  1. Why do you think there was so much media coverage of the group a few years back and why now on their changes? What is the investment here? What is being "sold" and argued in both cases? Why is their story comforting in certain ways

  2. The video on the twin girls was extremely interesting. My blog topic is about children in the white nationalist movement, therefore I have read a few articles on these girls, but I haven't seen any videos. This video shows how much the girls' upbringing impacted their childhood and their lives now. Their lives were so heavily influenced by their mothers white nationalists beliefs. Their story is a sign of hope, a sign that children who are raised in White Nationalist families can break the cycle and will be accepting of everyone. My hope is that children who are raised in White Nationalist families and communities, will eventually ditch the ideologies of White Nationalist and will accept everyone for who they are, regardless of their religion or race.

  3. Do you think that nurture comes into play for these two girls? The video mentions that the mother has the same views they do. Or perhaps did they fall into a white nationalist trap like many youths do with new media?

  4. It is common for young girls to be strongly influenced by their mothers. The mother, April, had such extreme involvement in Aryan beliefs. April wanted the girls to portray the perfect happy image of an Aryan family, the twins definitely seemed bothered by this. Do you think that the girls kept going with their music because of what their mom said or because they were getting attention? They may be involved with WN, but they're still teenagers getting attention...

  5. I think that this example of the twin girls clearly demonstrates the idea that children take their parents beliefs to a new level. Growing up, your child looks to you as the sole influence and leader in their lives, so when a parent has such strong beliefs the child is more likely to take the same beliefs, and may even act out more than expected. As parents, do we need to act even more censored than media? Or are our beliefs a "god-given" right?

  6. This is actually the first time i've heard about these girls (which im surprised) but im not really shocked about this. We've learned that children of people involved with this movement are heavily influenced by the ideologies their parents hold (most children are.) Im more surprised that the mom thinks very lightly of what she (im guessing) taught her children to do. She even says that they aren't singing white separatist music, but that they're singing Christian music....although the music may have had Christian undertones i find it hilarious that she's trying to disguise what they were actually singing about.
