Understanding a Culture Through Music
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Portrayals of White Nationalism in Film And Print
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Personal Connection
Here are some examples...
"I see so many people lost who really try to pretend
But am I just another white boy who has caught on to the trend
When I take a step to the mic is hip-hop closer to the end?
'Cause when I go to shows the majority have white skin
They marketed the windmill, the air flair and head spin
and white rappers albums really get the most spins
the face of hip hop has changed a lot since Eminem
and if he's taking away black artists' profits I look just like him
claimed a culture that wasn't mine, the way of the American
hip hop is gentrified and where will all the people live
it's like the central district, beacon hill to the south end
being pushed farther away because of what white people did, now
where's my place in a music that's been taken by my race
cultural appropriated by the white face
and we don't want to admit that this is existing
so scared to acknowledge the benefits of our white privilege
cause it's human nature to want to be part of something different
especially when your ancestors are European Christians
and most whites don't want to acknowledge this is occurring
cause we got the best deal, the music without the burden
of being black in a system that really wants you to rock
cause all you need is a program and you can go and make hip-hop
and we hate the mainstream cause we're the ones that took it
now we listen to Aesop Rock and wear t-shirts that say Brooklyn
but it's not about black and white right
I mean good music is good music regardless of what you look like
but when you don't give them props isn't that selfish?
that's like saying rock was actually started by Elvis
so where does this leave me?
I feel like I pay dues but I'll always be a white MC
I give everything I have when I write a rhyme
but that doesn't change the fact that this culture's not mine
But I'm gonna be me so please be who you are
this is something that's effortless and shouldn't be hard
I said I'm gonna be me so please be who you are
but we still owe 'em 40 acres now we've stolen their 16 bars
hip-hop started off in a block that I've never been to
to counter act a struggle that Ive never even been through
if I think I understand just because I flow too
that means I'm not keeping it true, nope
hip-hop started off in a block that I've never been to
to counter act a struggle that I've never even been through
if I think I understand just because I flow too
that means I'm not keeping it true, I'm not keeping it true
now I don't rap about guns so they label me conscious
but I don't rap about guns cause I wasn't forced into the projects
see I was put in the position where I could chose my options
blessed with the privilege that my parent's could send me to college
now who's going to shows the kids on the block starving
or the white people with dough that can relate to my content?
marketed the music now adapted to the lifestyle
what happened to jazz and rock and roll is happening right now
where's my place in the music that's been taken by the media
with white corporations controlling what their feeding ya
I brought up Aesop rock but I'm not even dissing dude
we love hip-hop and what do you think Caucasians are listening to
and I speak freely when I write this
if a black emcee examined race there goes half their fan base, white kids
and this is so true. and we didn't even have to fight the system
we just went and picked up the microphone too
and we got good at it so we should be rapping
but only supporting them is like burning Jimmy and buying Clapton
now Clapton's incredible. but no Jimmy no foundation
so here comes history and the cultural appropriation
white kids with do rags trying to practice their accents
from the suburbs to the upper class mastering a language
but hip-hop is not just memorizing words
it's rooted in authenticity something you literally can't learn
But I'm gonna be me so please be who you are
this is something that's effortless and shouldn't be hard
I said I'm gonna be me so please be who you are
but as I'm blessed with the privilege, they're still left with the scars
hip-hop started off in a block that I've never been to
to counter act a struggle that Ive never even been through
if I think I understand just because I flow too
that means I'm not keeping it true, nope
hip-hop started off in a block that I've never been to
to counter act a struggle that Ive never even been through
if I think I understand just because I flow too
that means I'm not keeping it true, I'm not keeping it true"
--White Privilege by Macklemore
"A couple pale folks slide right by with no greeting
But the people with my phenotype follow with a head-nod up
Because we acknowledge that the shit's fucked up
North of Martin Luther King: a straight war zone
Detours through the concrete, cranes, and bulldozers
No, the Hill is not over still
Every block got a coffee shop; it's overkill
Focus, know the deal
Dope to see Kalil back, the medicine is good again
The feeling: illegal, and coming back to your hood again
It's priceless, I write this, our lives are in crisis
Most talk, but don't walk, the path of the righteous
Despite this...
I measure each step, walkin' closer to my final destination of death
When I'm layin' to rest, I'm only savin' my breath
The Northwest fills my lungs, heals the pain in my chest
Clutch the moment, a transfer in my hand
Still listening
Lookin' out the window to the gold and the gray
And the sun might be shinin' but it's colder than it seems
'Cause the weather's dialectical: there's no in-between
In walks an old soul
A First Nation native, cat's chiseled like a totem pole
No words, as he stands and looks over us
He gets off and says, "Have a good day, you foreigners."
I, crack a smile one time for the acknowledgement."
--Joe Metro by Blue Scholars
"I grew up on Capitol Hill
with two parents and two cars.
They had a beautiful marriage, we even had a swing set in our yard.
My mom didn't have a job, because my dad made enough money that we could live comfortably and he could support us.
Now, he commute to Tacoma, so we knew we be good.
But then I realized everybody looked just like me in my neighborhood.
I go to school, which was diverse.
But indeed us, I got sandwiches and carpi suns well my friends ate their free lunch.
It's crazy trying to look back, cause when I was growing up
I didn't understand the fact was there's something called a social status.
And my black friends wanted my financial bracket.
And then my city's divided,
from neighborhood to neighborhood
We're polarized but we claim we're progressive.
The police shoot in the hood but never once in my residence.
As a white person been shot at we'd stopped in a Lexus.
And to think that we have claimed that so much has changed
since Brown verses the bored of education and Roe verses Wade.
But around my way it all stays the same,
they just figured out a way to separate the black and white ways."
--Claiming The City by Macklemore
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Turn It Down
The Turn It Down campaign (sponsored by the building democracy initiative) is trying to combat the forces and prevalence of white nationalist music in America. The mission for Turn It Down is best stated on their homepage, "Turn It Down is youth, bands, parents, teachers, and friends in the record industry speaking out, standing up, and turning down the sounds of hate. Thousands of young people and hundreds of bands, record labels, distributors, pressing facilities, and booking agents have joined to work against the spread of hatred. White power music has become the most significant recruiting tool for organized bigots across the globe. It has succeeded in infiltrating numerous youth subcultures, transforming healthy youth rebellion into hardcore white supremacy. The Turn It Down Campaign seeks not to demonize all youth culture, but to create a culture that is immune to the hatred and violence that white power music represents by teaming with young people, parents and teachers, and the record industry." They have many, many, helpful resources on their site in hopes of helping to stop white power music. In their news section, they post various articles on the topic, as Social Networking: A Place For Hate about an HBO documentary called Hate.com, which helps to understand how the Internet is utilized in the movement as a recruitment tool. An information section offering a resource kit booklet with various ways of understanding or recognizing white nationalist things (symbols to hate speech), dealing with various situations, and ways to help the campaign progress through action is in my opinion the best resource they offer on the site. Also offering a report that highlights various important aspects on youth music subcultures, such as Neo Nazis. They also have specific sections for youth, parents and teachers, and for the music industry. The music industry section specifically helps to persuade them to not tolerate hate, give a list of known white power bands to look out for, and to put pressure on others to follow in the footsteps of those that do not support white power music. The last thing they do is create a CD, but not just any CD. The sites says, “Throughout our ten-plus years of tracking and fighting hate across music subcultures, the Turn It Down Campaign has also made it our business to recognize and support bands and labels who take strong stands against bigotry. As necessary as it is to track those who would hijack our scenes to promote hate, it is equally crucial to work with antiracist efforts. We have published extensive resources, assembled rosters of bands and other elements of the music industry who support our efforts, and worked closely with touring bands to share information and ideas. Now we’ve taken it a step further. Earlier this year, word trickled out that Tightrope Records – headed up by Bryant Cecchini, formerly of Resistance and Panzerfaust Records – planned a follow-up to the 2004 Project Schoolyard compilation. While we’re happy to report that this sad sequel attempt to recruit youth to the white power movement has made barely a ripple, its release started a conversation between Turn It Down and Insurgence Records. Insurgence has long been known as one of the most vital voices in the antiracist scene. The Toronto-based label has produced such overtly anti-fascist bands as The Oppressed, Klasse Kriminale, The Press and The Prowlers. Insurgence was just as irate as we were to learn that the racist fringe would once again target our youth with a collection of (truly awful) music. So we decided to do something. And now, a few months after that conversation began, we’re proud to announce the release of Northern Aggression: Project Boneyard Volume II – a compilation of hardcore, punk and more that Insurgence asserts is “without question, the best collection we’ve ever compiled.” Turn It Down and Insurgence have pooled our efforts and resources to categorically answer the efforts of those who think music fans and youth can be so easily won over by lousy music and idiotic ideology. This comp is stellar. For starters, it has made us love hardcore again has renewed our faith in smart street punk. We’ve found a bunch of incredible bands we didn’t know, and we’ve rediscovered a few we hadn’t heard in a while. More than anything, though, Northern Aggression has proven that plenty of people will readily take a stand against hate in our music scenes." The site is primary function is to raise awareness that we tolerate hateful music in a country that says we respect free speech, but not if it harms others, and that it needs to end. They are taking great strides in contributing to the efforts of banning white power music, though it will be tough and will take a lot more people to join in the endeavor.
The Oppressed is one of the bands of the man featured bands on the album...
Mainstream vs. Extreme
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Nazi Pop Twins
To see the entire versions of both parts of the film click on the option on the top of each video
Wonder what happened to the girls?
Somewhat unrelated, according to Seattles The Stranger April has a new job, you will never guess what it could be.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Issues with iTunes
Daniels declares, "White supremacy online is a global issue and creates new challenges for critical race theory--and specifically for the idea that words can wound (that is, that hate speech causes real harm in real life). Critical race theory places race in the center of the analysis with the stories of victims of hate speech as the starting point. Those who believe that speech can do lasting harm understand the urgency of addressing the problems posed by white supremacy online. We see free speech as a right of everyone and think of white nationalist groups as extreme as if they do no harm. People seem to forget hate speech causes real harm. Though with the amount of whites in positions of power in corporations (and I assume iTunes) they don't understand the full effect because they have never faced that "real harm." It's easy to make decisions about these people when you haven't experienced knowing someone that has been affected by hate speech or have been a victim yourself, because it doesn't harm you or people you know. Daniels also talks about a protocol that was designed to address online racism in other countries that the U.S. did not partake in. She says, "The protocol, signed by twelve member states, reflects a strong European stance against hate speech online and stands in stark contrast to the American view that white supremacist rhetoric ought to be protected as free speech. One legal scholar refers to these divergent reactions to white supremacy online as "the U.S.-Europe cyberhate divide." The cyberhate divide also means that the United States is the global destination of choice for those wishing to create and distribute white supremacy online without fear of prosecution. It is critically important that we consider white supremacy online in a global context and understood how the United States' position on "protected speech" undermines global efforts to combat this insidious racism." This is an unfortunate thing for a country that prides itself on being diverse, accepting and being this great place to live, but our hidden values portray a much different reality.
On the other hand, white nationalists or others that want iTunes to sell this music think that it is a right of free speech. They feel like they have the right to distribute music and to tell their "side of the story" that they have not been able to say freely in the past. They use this as yet another way that whites are victimized.
We will see what happens in the future with white nationalist music distribution on iTunes. But, in their defense companies can choose whether or not they want to support the content they distribute. Myspace made it clear that this type of music does not portray the values their company has and iTunes has not yet taken a stance.
Racial Purity
Daniels suggests, "The least recognized--and hence, most insidious--threat posed by white supremacy online is the epistemological menace to our accumulation and production of knowledge about race, racism, and civil rights in the digital era. As David Duke suggests in the above epigraph, his goal in bringing white supremacy to the Internet is racial "enlightenment" by making "the truth" available to millions. Duke's brand of white supremacy undermines hard-won political battles for racial and ethnic equality rearticulating an essentialist notion of white racial purity borrowing the rhetoric of civil rights. This is an example of the epistemology of white supremacy, "an inverted epistemology," as philosopher Charles W. Mills has noted, "an epistemology of ignorance," ironically resulting in whites generally being ""unable to understand the world that they themselves have made." The epistemology of white supremacy reinforces the white racial frame by allowing whites to retreat from pluralistic civic engagement into a whites-only digital space where the can question the cultural values of tolerance and racial equality unchallenged outside that frame." This is an incredibly important point, and though not exactly the same the use of inaccurate statistics is used often by these groups. Obviously not in the music, but if for instance you are looking up white nationalist music you are bound to come across a video like this one (this particular video was in a white nationalist playlist, so I just assumed it was a song)...
In class we often talk about how people view white nationalists as extremists and not a "normal person." So, when I stumbled upon a last.fm page for Stormfront even I was surprised. Last.fm is a music site that tracks the music you listen to and suggests music you may like (like Facebook for music). This is just another way that white nationalists influence the mainstream and vice versa. Which makes the notions of white purity infiltrate mainstream society, even if it is only a miniscule amount, and a place for white nationalists to converse and create solidarity among members just as anyone else can.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
While finding information about the youth in accordance to white power music I stumbled upon this article from 2004 about Project Schoolyard in which a white nationalist music label wanted to distribute their music at schools. Check it out if you want to know more and see how far people are going to spread their music to children.
Also, I thought I would leave you with another song..
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Stormfront, a popular White Nationalist website offers forum for people to discuss whatever their hearts desire. When it comes to music, there is literally any and everything being discussed related to the topic in the discussion board. A few things stood out to me. One of the first was how many people were asking if people were starting or needing members for White Nationalist bands. I guess like other people wanting to start bands, there is a desire within this community as well, which should come to no surprise but to me I didn’t think there were that many bands or that there was a longing to join one. It just seems very normal, when it is hard to see them as normal people. Another was that there was talk about rap music. There was only one thread that was asking what was the best rap and rock collaboration but it stood out. It sounded like it could have been a joke by someone who wasn’t a White Nationalist because it was obvious to me that it was against their disdain for the genre and I was thinking what are these people going to say about this. Though when reading further the person who posted it was chastised and questioned about why they would even ask such a question being told that they would even be punched in the face if they asked this to one of the commenter’s in person. One even likened the topic to being equivalent to “Opinions on your favorite Black on White gangbang porn.” Also, for me any talk about mainstream music stuck out, such as Lady Gaga and Adele. In the case of Lady Gaga they were discussing whether or not they thought she was white or not. In the end most decided she was a Jew because she has a “Jew nose,” along with other stereotypical features and a “star without talent…which is a typical situation among Jew dominated media”. She was also called a degenerate and even if she was white she was spreading the messages Jews want to spread in media and being destructive to Whites. When it came to Adele a few people were speaking of her amazing voice, which is obvious. However, as you read farther on more and more people say that she sounds like Aretha Franklin, because of her jazz like sound, and that she is promoting the sound of “negro” music because of her deep tone and raspy voice. Few said that she did not appeal to them, which sounds crazy to me because she is an amazing artist, but their opinions reflect their ideology 100 percent. Jews running the media and portraying “Jew messages.” The racial hierarchy, when they talk about Adele and Lady Gaga promoting minority music. Also, they are written off in this discussion, which reminded me that Ferber states, “Feminism is represented as a threat to gender difference because it questions gender stratification and inequality.” Especially for Lady Gaga who promotes equality for all people, focusing a ton of time on gay rights advocacy, I’m sure they see her as an abomination of the White race. But as it always does, everything comes back to their fundamental ideals. There are also posts about which is their favorite White Power band and talk of various white power bands as well.
This is the Adele video that was originally shown. I think she is amazing!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The History Of White Nationalist Music
It would only be appropriate to leave you with a Skrewdriver song, called Back With A Bang. Take a listen.